Support from Traders

Eye Love Gains Supporter

All the Way from Alameda, CA

Not many people will be able to say that they’ve received amazing support from the trading community the way that I have. I am beyond blessed to have people who find me on Twitter, who take the time out of their busy lives to come visit me at my work and order eyeglasses with me to support my business. It means absolutely everything to me.

Supporting the LGBTQ+ Community

What touched me even more was the fact that they acknowledged how much they appreciated that I openly support the LGBTQ+ community as a Provider. It’s okay to be different because our uniqueness makes us who we are. Our differences will be our greatest assets because it makes us think and feel differently than others. My greatest friends who got me through the toughest times in life were from that same community, and I will always stand by them. I’ve connected on so many levels with different individuals who simply wanted to be accepted for who they are.

Long AMC & GameStop Community

Now we can come together to talk about trading, companies, tickers, and furus. The trading community is a beautiful thing, and if we could create the most epic $AMC $GME community there ever was, we better get a feature when that GameStop/AMC movie comes out. ^_^

Eye Love Gains

Anna is the face behind Eye Love Gains. Her passion for helping Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Traders, and those struggling to rebuild their lives is the key motivation behind Everything on is created by Anna. She beta tests various softwares and applications and conducts thorough research prior to publishing tutorials and articles. Anna is passionate about Investing and Trading as a means to fund her business ventures. Anna is also a caretaker for her mom and brother. Anna has a passion for web design, writing, laws and regulations. Anna is recognized in the Optometry and Optical Industry as paving educational pathways for the future workforce. She works with community colleges to write their academic curriculum for her industry. Anna is an ECP at her Optical, where she takes care of patients. She has previous experience working within the Government, Legal, Financial, Insurance, and Banking Industry. She also worked within Hospitals, Medical Facilities, Rehabilitation and Homeless Shelters, and as a Restaurant Manager. Her experience allows her to think outside the box when identifying issues and solving everyday problems.

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