Category: Trading

eyelovegains, Eye Love Gains 0

Follow Requests

Hello everyone, If you are in my main account: eyelovegains there is no need to ask to join the swing group, ask for watchlists, etc. I’ve given full access to my trades again since...

How to Undo Follower Request 0

Update on Twitter & Blog

Hello everyone, I wanted to address some things for all who follow my blog outside of stocks and investments and those who follow my Twitter for that exact reason. Please read through if you...

I decide my vibe, eyelovegains 0

Filter Completed

Hello everyone, Thank you so much for your patience over the last 5 months. Many of you know I’m all about analytics and case studies, so it was important for me to let the...


Watchlist 7/1/22

Hi everyone, Hope you all had a great Thursday. Trading hasn’t been this fun since 2 1/2 weeks ago before everything happened. Now that I don’t follow anyone, my feed is clear of all...


Watchlist 6/30/22

Hi everyone, Hope you all had a great Wednesday. To cut to the chase, MANY completing questionnaires are only giving me long stories without answering any of the legal questions and avoiding the attestation....


Watchlist & Update 6/29/22

Hi everyone, Hope you all had a great Tuesday. The market was obviously going to be red so I saw no point in alerting early on; everyone should’ve respected the trading rules. I alerted...


Watchlist 6/28/22

Hi everyone, Hope you all had a great Monday. Looks like RDBXW are paying off. Hopefully you paid attention when I alerted RDBX and RDBXW for an SSR swing, BOXD for $3+, and EVFM...


Watchlist 6/27/22-7/1/22

Hi everyone, Hope you all had a great weekend. Let’s end June strong by continuing to respect the trading rules. Trust the process, and stick to the rules, and I know you’ll end up...


Watchlist 6/24/22

Hi everyone, Hope you all had a great Thursday. Please manage your risks and read the disclosure below before even proceeding to read my trading plans. Whether futures are red or green, we’ll continue...