End of Day Wrap Up 01/27/2021

Early Morning Storm and Power Outage

Today was a crazy day, and it started with multiple power outages due to a storm and high winds knocking out the power. I had to hotspot from my cell phone and trade on my laptop instead of my desktop. This is not an ideal situation, but I made it work for a few hours. I had to access 9 different accounts all at the same time, so having to do it from my phones made everything extremely slow.


Today many of my long swing positions exploded, but many of my new setups are extremely red due to everyone selling off and buying GME, AMC, and NOK. Premarket started strong, and then everything took a nosedive.

The Downturn

As many of you may have heard, there was drama surrounding Melvin Capital Hedge Fund, who short companies, were forced to cover and close out their positions for GameStop (GME) at an astronomical loss. GameStop rallied to an all time high of $385 during Premarket hours. AMC rallied to $25.80 Premarket, and NOK rallied to $9.79 during market hours. Wall Street doesn’t like us “little” people making a ton of money, so everything began spiraling. 

Many brokerages would not allow access to their trading platforms, apps, etc. I was locked out for approximately 45 minutes at the opening bell. It was absolutely frustrating, but luckily my average was low enough that I didn’t care if it dropped significantly since I set my position up early. However, my concern was for those who bought high, and were now left holding bags all because of a ‘system error.’ I couldn’t buy or sell when I wanted. They halted the system, so of course, new traders began to panic sell. It was a complete mess. As soon as I was able to log back into my accounts and trading platform, a pop up message appeared:

This was absolutely disappointing and it cost me a lot of money. As soon as my positions settle, I may consider moving majority of my money out and over to a new brokerage.

Top 10 Green Positions (1/27/21):

  1. NAKD
  2. AMC
  3. CTRM
  4. NTN
  5. SNDL
  6. SRNE
  7. OXBR
  8. NAK
  9. FSR
  10. AHT

Top 10 Red Positions (1/27/21):

  1. AIKI
  2. BIOL
  3. ATOS
  4. LYL
  5. POLA
  6. AQMS
  7. OCGN
  8. FRSX
  9. RCON
  10. LMFA

Today’s Top 3 Highlights:

Featuring: AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. (AMC) with 1.3B in volume
Featuring: GameStop Corporation (GME) with 93.39M in volume
Featuring: Nokia Corporation (NOK) with 1,144,058,557 in volume
The battle between everyday traders vs. Wall Street seems to be the catalyst for tomorrow and friday. I am looking forward to tomorrow’s Premarket to see where GameStop, AMC, and Nokia runs. Here’s a quote I feel puts into wiser words how I feel about this whole ordeal:
As always, if you made some massive gains from any of my stock picks, be sure to support your local and small businesses. Check out which business I supported next here. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Believe it or not, we can make a difference in keeping these businesses open!

Eye Love Gains

Anna is the face behind Eye Love Gains. Her passion for helping Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Traders, and those struggling to rebuild their lives is the key motivation behind eyelovegains.com.

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