End of Day Wrap Up 02/05/2021

The Highlight of the Day: Ocugen Inc (OCGN)
Today was an amazing day for Ocugen. This one is very personal for me because it was the first time I experienced hate on Twitter. For those who have followed me since last summer know how passionate I am about this company. I initially bought in at $0.17 and sat with an average of $0.20 with 85,000 shares. I did a ton of DD to ensure that this would be a good long term company I would want to invest in for at least a few years. I had alerted around the $0.20 range, and some people chose to chase once it ran into the $0.60 range, and unfortunately some people got burned because a really big furu alerted afterwards, and it ran to approximately $0.95 at the time, essentially turning it into a pump and dump.
Attack on Social Media
After a few weeks of the stock dropping, I was bashed about how crappy this stock was, and tagged in numerous twitter posts about how dishonest the company is, and it was a really emotional time for me. I had just lost my grandfather, so dealing with a death in the family, my business being shut down, and getting attacked on Twitter on top of it all was emotionally draining on me. I stopped posting temporarily and I just shut everything off because it really affected me to know that people lost money, even though I warned not to chase. Every time a sec-filing came out, I would get tagged, and it just became so unbearable for me. Every time I pulled up $OCGN, my name would appear, and in the comments were all the people angry at me. From that point on, I stopped alerting all calls, and I essentially just went quiet until November. I told myself, when January/February 2021 comes around, the charts will tell the story, and I would have nothing left to prove. Today, I have nothing left to prove.
Ocugen’s Charts Over the Last Year

Top 10 Green Positions (02/05/21):
Top 10 Red Positions (02/05/21):

I monitor Market Movers every single day to scan for new setups. I mainly look for positions with unusual volume that are at the bottom, ready for a reversal back up, or if they remain green, I look for a bullish chart for a continuation.
As always, if you made some massive gains, be sure to support your local and small businesses. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Believe it or not, we can make a difference in keeping these businesses open!
Many have asked how to support me directly, so I’ve set up a PayPal for Donations to my blog below. Every bit helps to keep my blogging dream alive. I truly appreciate you taking the time to read.
Disclaimer : This should not be considered investment advice, and should not be used to make investment decisions. Do not buy or sell any stock without conducting your own due diligence. Information on eyelovegains.com is opinionated and should be considered for information purposes only. No stock exchange anywhere has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. There is no express or implied solicitation to buy or sell securities. The charts and data provided here are not meant for investment purposes and only serve as examples. We are not liable for any losses you may endure from the buying and selling of stocks or securities within your accounts.
Love this! Great story…awesome vindication! I love gains too and every trade’s a lesson – combined with my permanent loss of short term memory, wouldn’t have it any other way, I Love It✨🙏🏻✨🤗💕
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your response. Sending you lots of positive vibes =)