Breaking 11000+ Views 1st Week After Blog Launch on 01/25/2021

The Dream That Never Was

Ever since 2011, I wanted to start my own blog so I could feel like I had a voice. I had a rough childhood, including having my house burn down, becoming homeless, a father who was in and out of jail for domestic violence, my mom who was falsely imprisoned for ‘shoplifting,’ and being bullied throughout my childhood for being poor. In 2009, I went through a really difficult time in my life and I needed help, but I didn’t know where to turn. I think if I had asked for help back then, my life could have been much different. However, I wouldn’t change it for the world because it allowed me to look at life much differently.

Surviving Domestic Violence While Attending College

From 2009-2013, I was living through domestic violence and I was afraid to ask for help. I remember wanting to end my life because it felt easier than continuing on. I suffered the most while away for college, and I nearly dropped out because I wasn’t able to sleep at night in fear that something would happen to me. My dream of moving onto medical school ended because I wasn’t able to make it to my classes on time and unable to keep my grades up. Few knew what I was going through at the time, and I didn’t want to worry my mom. I drove 140 miles home and 140 miles back to school most days my last quarter during college because I didn’t feel safe, and I had nowhere to live. I slept in my car in between classes and that was pretty much my life. Somehow I managed to do enough to graduate with my Bachelor of Science degree because I couldn’t allow someone to have that much control over my future.

Sexual Harassment and Workplace Bullying

When I started my job in the Insurance and Financial Industry, I was sexually harassed and treated unfairly daily. I was young at the time and I didn’t know how to handle the situation. I just felt extremely uncomfortable and I didn’t feel safe. I feared being retaliated against because I was a female in a room full of men, therefore, I resigned.
My career was filled with hardships, and there were owners who took advantage of my hard work ethic, overworking me past most people’s breaking point. When I gave my 2 weeks, two of them were angry, and the same two employers were willing to fabricate lies so I couldn’t leave them to work for new employers. My experiences are some that I would never wish upon others because it affected me so deeply, to the point where I didn’t feel safe working for anyone else anymore.

Mom’s Cancer Diagnosis and Homelessness

When my mom was diagnosed with cancer in 2018, my world fell apart. I had to give up everything to be there for her through her chemo and driving her to all her doctor appointments. I was commuting 4 hours back and forth from my mom to my job in the Bay Area, living in a van because rent in the Bay Area is astronomical. Being a caretaker is hard work, and emotionally draining.
I remember sitting next to her hospital bed thinking how much of a failure I was as a daughter. I didn’t give her the life she deserved. I thought to myself, she won’t even live to see me open a business or anything like she was hoping. Then one night, I put on The Greatest Showman, and little by little, sparks of hope appeared. I was able to build enough courage to start researching, and later that night I opened a Shopify account and started building my own E-Commerce store. That was the beginning of me rebuilding my life..

Checking Things Off One by One

Today I:

1. Own that same e-commerce store:

2. Have grown from this tiny office in 2018:

3. To this in 2019:

4. To this in 2020:
5. I write college curriculums for community colleges
6. I serve on the committee for California’s DCA
7. I trade and help others rebuild their lives
8. I’m a caretaker for my mom and brother
9. I help make fishing products for my grandpa.
10. Now, I finally have the courage to follow my dream of writing a blog in hopes of helping anyone who have been in my shoes.
My old employer once said to me “Anna, you need to get on my level. You’ll always be at the bottom because I’m the big fish in this small pond.” Well, I’ve gone and created my own little pond, and I’ll just keep swimming along.
I hope I can inspire just one person to rebuild their life. If you get the courage to face your fears, you can make anything happen. Thank you for joining me on my journey.

Eye Love Gains

Anna is the face behind Eye Love Gains. Her passion for helping Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Traders, and those struggling to rebuild their lives is the key motivation behind

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16 Responses

  1. Gretty says:

    Perseverance pays! Good for you and God bless!!

  2. Edgarh21 says:

    You are an inspiration to me and the more i learn about you the more I want to be like you.

    I’m currently going through a rough situation where I also feel like a failure. My sister has epilepsy and I hate myself everyday for not being able to give her a better life as well as my parents.

    I recently started investing in hopes that I can change our lives.

    • Eye Love Gains says:

      That means a lot to hear. I truly appreciate the kind words. You will get through it. I know it’s hard now but things will get better as long as you don’t give up.

  3. essyedjd says:

    So proud of your dedication and wisdom! You are truly an inspiration for all! We need more like you in this world. Wishing you peace, health, happiness, prosperity, success and joy in all areas of your life

    • Eye Love Gains says:

      Thank you for the kind words. It means a lot to hear. Wishing you all the best this world has to offer. =)

  4. Jukie15 says:

    You’re very BRAVE and the world needs more people like you!!! Thanks!! Keep doing you, you’re GREAT!

  5. houst224 says:

    Anna your story is both heartbreaking and inspiring I'm so so sorry you had to go through those things including abuse, homelessness and being harassed at work. You are helping people everyday take control over their life and I'm really grateful for all that you do.

    • Eye Love Gains says:

      I genuinely appreciate the kind words. It means everything to hear. I’ll keep doing my best to help as many people as possible for as long as possible. =)

  6. Dubya says:

    Great story and God bless you

  7. Stumbled upon your Twitter last week. You're an account, and now blog I check daily. Keep being awesome.

    • Eye Love Gains says:

      That’s so great to hear. I truly appreciate hearing that. It drives me to want to work harder knowing that you come and check daily.

  8. Patrick says:

    Congratulations on everything that you have over come in order to become the person you are today. Very inspirational and amazing story. You should most definitely be proud of all that you have accomplished! I’m proud of you and have never met you 🙂 Great job!

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