Tagged: DTST


Watchlist 5/20/22 & Recap

Hi everyone, Hope your red swings from yesterday paid off. Buying the fear doesn’t have to be so scary as long as you buy the right pullbacks in anticipation of catalysts. In this market,...


Watchlist 5/19/22 & Recap

Manage Risks & Trading Plan Disclosure These are my trading plans, and many ask if I’m holding this or that. If it breaks any of the dip zones that I mention or if it...


Watchlist 5/18/22 & Recap

Hi everyone, I hope Tuesday treated you well. Today was a really good day for my swings from last week: INDO, VERU, RDBX, GFAI, LGVN, ISPO, AMC, GME, BBIG, NILE, AMD, NVDA, TSLA, GOOG,...